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Feastogether Group: Optimizing Operations with ArgoERP for Maximum Growth

Feastogether Group is a conglomerate of restaurants, including Eatogether, Kaifun Together, Fruitfulfood, Siam More, and Doricious. The group focuses on providing customers with an exceptional dining experience while leveraging ArgoERP to enhance operational efficiency and agility across various business processes. This has enabled the company to achieve annual sales exceeding 2.3 billion yuan.

Mr. Chen Yi Hang stated, "The previous system used for inventory management and data processing posed significant operational challenges, impacting our workflow and management. This resulted in wasted time and resources. We chose ArgoERP for its stability and continuous development, which has allowed the company to grow confidently."

Mr. Wang Yu Xuan, the department manager, further explained, "Our team selected ArgoERP due to its flexibility, standardized usage, and its focus on service enthusiasm and company stability. ArgoERP and its team met all the necessary criteria, making it the right choice for us."

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The primary challenge was to familiarize employees with the new system, especially those not accustomed to such technologies. Mr. Zheng An Xiu, a consultant assisting with the system implementation, explained that the approach started by training department heads, who then taught their teams daily. They also emphasized the system's benefits, such as improved efficiency and faster work processes.

Despite the initial differences between real-world operations and system configurations, they gathered feedback on issues and made adjustments to align the system with actual practices, ensuring the system met the company's ultimate goals.

Customer Requirements

As Feastogether's business grew, the complexity and volume of documents, such as those received daily from various branches, also increased. The Excel program was unable to manage all the data, which led to delays and increased risk in material and expense management.

The company needed a solution to:

  • Organize and manage the daily documents from each restaurant branch efficiently.
  • Control purchasing, deliveries, payments, and record-keeping.


  • Increased Financial Reporting Efficiency: The system made financial statement preparation six times more efficient.
  • Rapid Organizational Improvement: Management processes were streamlined for quicker decision-making.
  • Reduction in Order Processing Time: The system reduced the time spent on order processing by 10 hours per month, ensuring tighter control over food quality.
  • Efficient Return Management: Problematic food items could be returned within 3 hours, and replacement meals prepared within 24 hours.
  • Immediate Production Updates: Real-time production notifications and issue alerts simplified management and decision-making.
  • Accurate Material Management: Inventory and material expenditure were more precisely controlled.
  • Enhanced Emergency Response: The system increased the efficiency of addressing emergency situations.

By adopting ArgoERP, Feastogether Group has transformed its operations, significantly improving efficiency, reducing risks, and better aligning its processes with the growing demands of the business.

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Contact us
For a demo, please contact us at Contact Us or for further inquiries:
Phone: 0633253640 or 02-6863000 ext. 3042