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Taiwan Farm Industry

Taiwan Farm Industry

     Taiwan Farm Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as T-Ham) was established in 1967 in a form of Taiwan-Japan joint venture. T-Ham aims to provide the public with high quality food products that are healthy, tasty, and convenient. Over the past decades, T-Ham has prioritized quality as its main focus with continuous efforts to innovate and launch new products that appeal to the consumers. Certified by TSAS, TAF, ISO9001 and ISO22000 in 2018. In preparation with the 21st Century, T-Ham will continue to pursue opportunities in reaching out to the globe and provide the consumers with more food products that are well-made, healthy, convenient, and modernized.




      The organization began to expand and grow up but still using the old system, which the old system provider is unable to provide continuous service. Therefore, the organization is unable to collect overall job information and workload overheads for internal staffs causing human error on working. Hence, there is no document to control in some areas of work, so other problems are encountered.

  1.  Staff delivered to wrong chilled & frozen car causing damage to meats.
  2.  Unknow the reason of the unusually high shipping cost.
  3.  Products are often lost during delivery to dealers and customers.

How ARES implement for T-HAM?

     ARES has implemented 2 phases for T-HAM, which are divided into general ERP system and production management module. ERP system used by T-HAM is AP (Purchase), AR (Sales), Inventory management and GL (Accounting and Finance). After ERP system run smoothly and no any problems arise, the second phase was immediately installed to allow customers work continuously with efficiency.



Benefits after implementation

Information and documents management

  • Reduce the closing period from the usual 10 days to just 2 days.
  • Reports can be generated immediately, making the working process faster.
  • Data is automatically sent to the ERP, reducing payroll process for accounting staff.
  • Flexible working process system and supports government requirement regulation.
  • Easily integrate with E-Invoice/Receipt system, prepare tax filing documents faster.

Production Management

  • Control waste raw material by Lot# and Date code
  • Track the delivery of distributor and customer by history record.
  • Raw materials can be prepared to match with BOM and production plan.
  • Create “Product Resume”, easy to track back production process.
  • Better control of shipping costs due to historical records that can identify the cause.
  • The information is recorded in detail, enabling faster production to meet standards.

ERP and MES system solution for production.jpg

Contact us
For a demo, please contact us at Contact Us or for further inquiries:
Phone: 0633253640 or 02-6863000 ext. 3042