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Tengliang is a manufacturer of work shoes and safety footwear for leading global brands.


  1. Reducing the time required to locate necessary information.
  2. Ensuring all departmental data is automatically integrated to enable immediate management and response to issues.
  3. Requiring a system with high accuracy in financial calculations.


  1. Accurate Cost Representation: Provides precise cost analysis and highlights issues, enabling performance improvement.
  2. Efficient BOM Usage: Reduces processing time by up to sixfold compared to previous methods.
  3. Inventory Alerts: Sends timely notifications for inventory restocking, ensuring fast and accurate material orders while reducing emergency purchases.
  4. Standardized Documentation: Internal company documents can be printed in a uniform standard format.
  5. Real-Time Insights: Senior executives can access current operational data at any time, ensuring informed decision-making.

ERP and MES system solution for production.jpg

Contact us
For a demo, please contact us at Contact Us or for further inquiries:
Phone: 0633253640 or 02-6863000 ext. 3042