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Globe Industries Corporation, established in 1951, is focused on the R&D, manufacturing and marketing of adhesive tapes, and is one of the leading brands of adhesive tape in Asia. Globe's mission is to "assist with the worldwide marketing of products from all industries" and is well established in Taiwan's domestic market. Internationally, Globe has sold products to about 70 countries around the world under the GLOBE brand. 

Product : All types made from special materials such as aluminum, PVC, OPP, fabric, electrical tape, and glass paper. 

Production : Various types of chemical raw materials are transformed into coating substances. The production process involves multiple steps with assigned Part#. 

Certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 14064-1, ISO 14067, IEC 60454, CNS, CSA, IMQ, JIS, UL, ЯU, VDE. 

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The Challenge!    

  • Globe Industries Corporation produces various types of tapes, which makes the production process complex. There are numerous different chemical formulas and compositions involved. The existing system has limits data recording, impossible to add new formulas, compositions, or other information into the system. Consequently, data is manually recorded in Excel, leading to a significant number of human errors. 

  • As the company's sales and customer demand increased, it’s necessary to expand the production base. However, the existing production process could not provide real-time verification and tracking of Work Orders (WO). This resulted is they can’t inspect and track production steps in detail when products return or any issues occurred, the production lot numbers could not be identified for clear examination. Can’t calculate the cost of waste and delays in deliveries to customers and other distributors. 

  • Due to these challenges, Globe had to seek a new system to improve the company's production efficiency and provide clarity for employees. They chose to implement the CiMES system, which offers comprehensive functionality and fulfills the company's requirements in every aspect. 

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CiMES Module

  1. Work in process (WIP)  

  1. Materials Management System (MMS)  

  1. Quality Control (QC) & Statistical Process Control (SPC)  

  1. Preventive Management (PM) & Tooling  

  1. Web Report Portal (WRP) & Dash Board  

  1. Label Management System (LMS) 

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After using ciMES 

  • The CiMES system allows unlimited recording and memorization of formulas and enables detailed tracking of the production process. This assists Globe in verifying that formulas and components match the Bill of Materials (BOM) on the Work Order (WO) accurately.  

  • The CIMES system recognizes the working processes through barcodes (labels) on components and machinery. The data in barcodes is directly linked to CiMES system, including the issuance of work orders (WO) with complete production data. If employees input the wrong raw materials, the system will immediately alert through pre-scanning before entering the machine. This allows real-time tracking of Work Orders (WO) or Work in Progress (WIP) to monitor production times and assess delivery dates accordingly. 

  • CiMES records employee data, working time, production of components according to the product formulas at each production station. It can improve employee productivity according to set goals.  

  • Barcodes systen able to track each Lot's production process and generate Product Resume according to the company's complete traceability requirements. This allows Globe to smoothly submit documents for various certifications. In terms of quality control (QC) processes, CiMES can connect data with Work Orders (WO) to record product quality during production smoothly as well.  

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Contact us
For a demo, please contact us at Contact Us or for further inquiries:
Phone: 0633253640 or 02-6863000 ext. 3042