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Since Fusheng was founded in 1953, it has transformed from a small Taiwanese company to a regional manufacturing enterprise, taking root in China and various Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. The company was initially built from the ground up, and it overcame daunting challenges to gain a foothold in Taiwan, where it specialized in overhauling all types of air compressors made in European countries, the United States of America, and Japan.

Over the years, Fusheng expanded its reach to Europe and North America through mergers and acquisitions, allowing it to become one of the most globalized manufacturing groups in the compressor field. With Fusheng’s leading edge and patented R&D technology, automated production equipment, global distribution channels, and integrated global resources, Fusheng is equipped to provide a full and complete product line. 

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Product: Reciprocating, spiral, scroll and centrifugal air compressors, refrigerant compressors, and ancillary products 

Production: Many semi-finished goods (SFG) are produced in large quantities from various countries. Each product requires time for assembly and quality control (QC) processes. 

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The Challenge!   

Due to Fu Sheng Company sources a large quantity of semi-finished goods (SFG) from multiple suppliers, so they need for inspection before go to production process. Also manufacturing process, take relatively long assembly time around 2 to 4 weeks. Most of these are semi-finished goods (SFG) originating from China. "While semi-finished goods (SFG) with special characteristics are produced in Taiwan. Because the current system cannot store data and connect between countries, which leads to encountering these issues. 

  • Product information between China and Taiwan does not link, resulting effect to product quality. 

  • There are issues with verifying the Bill of Materials (BOM) before entering the production and assembly processes. 

  • Take long time for semi-finished goods (SFG) inspection before go to production line because no standard. 

  • Accurate recording of production data is not possible. 

  • Can not track the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of employee work progress, including the percentage of production completion, leading to cost calculation issues. 

  • Work Order (WO) tracking process is not real-time. No backup plans, and always face off ad-hoc problem-solving. 

  • Tracking various components (Parts) during assembly is not feasible. 

After using ciMES   

Fu Sheng Company has selected modules to enhance the manufacturing process efficiency for both China and Taiwan factories, as follows: 

  1. Work in process (WIP)  

  1. Materials Management System (MMS)  

  1. Quality Control (QC) & Statistical Process Control (SPC)  

  1. Web Report Portal  

  1. ERP Integration (Connect with current ERP)

After the ARES consulting team successfully implemented and provided training for the ciMES system, there are efficiency improvement of system various parts as follows: 

  • Data connection between China and Taiwan factories. ciMES system is the central hub for the company's information and made communication and workflow processes more convenient and efficient. 

  • The easier verification of the Bill of Materials (BOM) before go to the production and assembly processes. 

  •  Able to check the standards of semi-finished products (SFG) before go to production process 

  • Able to record real-time production data and accurately integrate into SPC process through the connection between ciMES system with machinery. 

  • Cost calculations and workforce planning can be done smoothly. Additionally, employee Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can be monitored, and production completion percentages can be checked. 

  • Real-time tracking Work Orders (WO) with backup plans for emergencies case. 

  • Easy tracking various components (Parts) on the assembly line through checking work data on barcode scanning. 

  • The Quality Control (QC) process can check real-time results. 

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Contact us
For a demo, please contact us at Contact Us or for further inquiries:
Phone: 0633253640 or 02-6863000 ext. 3042