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FANUC CORPORATION started the development of NCs in 1955, and ever since, has devoted itself to focusing on factory automation. FANUC is active in the fields of FA, which encompasses basic technologies, consisting of NCs (numerical controls), servos and lasers, and Robots to which such basic technologies are applied, as well as Robomachines.Through the diligent efforts of FANUC to apply IoT/AI technologies to all fields, consisting of FA, Robots and Robomachines, customers are able to use FANUC products more efficiently. 

FANUC contributes to the development of manufacturing industry in Japan and overseas, by promoting automation and efficiency in customers' factories. 

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The Challenge!   

The main complexity of the company is that it has to use the ERP system of its parent company from Japan, which makes it difficult to work as follows: 

  • Unable to calculate taxes according to the laws of Taiwan. 

  • Taiwan projects require significant adjustments to align with local suppliers, making it challenging to control employee productivity. 

  • The ERP system lacks modules for production calculations. 

  • BOM details from Japan come in various Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) formats, making operations in Taiwan complex without a compatible local system. 

  • The company serves as a Global RMA Hub, necessitating post-sales support in the local language. 

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Argo ERP Module   

  1. Sales Module 

  1. Purchase Module 

  1. Inventory Module 

  1. Accounting Module (IFRS included) 

  1. Budget Module 

  1. Production Module 

  1. RMA & FAE Module 

After using Argo ERP   

Accounting and management 

  1. Project data is seamlessly linked with the sales, procurement, inventory, and production departments, providing complete information. Allow for precise tracking of project statuses and enhances operational efficiency with suppliers. 

  1. Parameters are set to accurately record material in and outflows into the system automatically, in accordance with the specified standards, significantly reducing employee work time. 


  1. Materials -> Manufacturing -> Production process control -> Cost allocation and work allocation in each production line and station can be monitored WO and WIP in real-time. 

  1. Recording product resumes for management and main customers to accurately track and verify the history of products. 

Customization (Designing systems by following customer requirements) 

  1. Customizing EDI documents to match the specifications of each department. Argo ERP system will generate API formats for automatic uploads to the existing ERP system, connecting the data with the parent company's ERP system in Japan. This reduces the traditional workflow in Excel before inputting it into the ERP system. 

  1. Customizing the Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) product warranty module to align with the company's structure and expanding its use to global subsidiaries. The Argo ERP system includes a Field Site Application Engineer (FAE) application, allowing engineers to remotely access customer data for off-site work, connecting with the sales system (to check warranty periods), production system (to check models or parts requiring replacement), maintenance (maintenance schedules), and other relevant information for comprehensive customer care. 

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    Contact us
    For a demo, please contact us at Contact Us or for further inquiries:
    Phone: 0633253640 or 02-6863000 ext. 3042